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Deidre Anglin

NAC 8/132

Dr. Deidre Anglin is a clinical psychologist with specialized research training in psychiatric epidemiology from Columbia University. Dr. Anglin directs the Clinical and Social Epidemiology (CASE) lab at CCNY leading projects focused on social determinants of psychosis risk in ethnoracial minoritized populations. She is internationally recognized for her expertise and work featured in JAMA Psychiatry, American Journal of Psychiatry, and Annual Review of Clinical Psychology.

Dr. Anglin serves as Associate Editor for Schizophrenia Bulletin. She is the inaugural recipient for the social justice award given by the Society for Research in Psychopathology and recipient of the Hoch award given by the American PsychoPathological Association for her distinguished work in the field of Diversity and Inequity in Mental Health.

  • PhD, Clinical Psychology, Fordham University
  • BS, Human Development, Cornell University

See Dr. Anglin’s Google Scholar Page: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=wHQg3TgAAAAJ